Injection molding parts mold making
Injection molding part[/caption]
- HASCO, DME or LKM mold base, we can also customize plastic mold base as the specification for injection molding parts mold making.
- MUD mold base and MUD inserts manufacturing
- DFM analysis before injection mold design such as draft analysis, gate location, ejection, and mold concept etc for tube mold making
- Mold flow analysis is available before mold design
- Automatic unscrew mold making capability for plastic tubes with threads
- Weekly report with picture for mold manufacturing
- Inspection report for mold trial
- Injection molding parameter record report for each mold trial
- CPK and PPAP report capacity
- Detail plastic mold document provide with mold shipping including final mold drawing, final mold components drawing, Electrode drawing, final product drawing, final inspection report and final molding report etc.
- Just one day for the security plastic mold quotation, always faster than general mold supplier
- Steel for core and cavity plastic mold:718(h),738(h), S136(h), S7, NAK80, GS711, GS343, GS344,GS316, LKM2344(super), LKM818(h),LKM738(h), LKM2312, LKM2311, LKM2379, LKM2343, LKM 2311, LKM2312 and LKM2083 etc, more steel option, please kindly review our injection mold steel post.
- General lead time for tube plastic mold design: 1 to 3 days.
- General lead time for plastic tube mold making from mold design approval
Injection molding parts
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