
Qualified mold supplier or just low cost mold supplier,Choice lead to succeed

Qualified mold supplier or just low cost mold supplier,Choice lead to succeed

Plastic injection mold making

Till now, I Hedy worked for mold manufacturing and molding international business 9 years. I discussed lots of inquiry with different customers. During the communication, I have the attitude to solve the problem of what customers faced with the other suppliers or offer hands to support for customers’ plastic product development. I also faced the situation what they ask the price lower than the plastic molding resin, but it is low probability to face the ask the price less than the mold steel[/tooltip].

I also understand sometimes you request the cost less than the resin cost for your product, normally you should choose some of equivalent resin to reach your demand or your plastic product, if there is no this kind of resin and your mold supplier offer the cost than the resin, then it is risky, then what kind of risky, one of reason maybe the molding supplier is talker.

I also hate someone to offer the high price and  himself believes that  their quality and lead time is the best. We are always to learn the solution the reduce the cost without affect the quality even if it is our competitor, we would like to learn.

What the qualified mold supplier can help you and what will be the qualified mold supplier?

Plastic injection mould

Qualified mold supplier always give importance on the details to improve the customer experience and have good time control!

Time is also the cost, lots of friends miss to evaluate this during the mold supplier audit.  We can not just evaluate the lead time on the quotation what the mould supplier offered. After the T1, the mold supplier also should have the very good capability and time control to improve the mold defect or have the mold modification.

The qualified mold supplier always give importance on  the details to short time, improve the quality and save time for customers. This is to improve the customer purchase experience. For example, qualified mold suppliers always reply your email on time and also mentioned what you missed to offer for them to proceed injection mold manufacturing or injection molding. Qualified mold company will always save your files and their files for the mold manufacturing and injection molding regularly, and it is easy and very fast to offer the document what you need. Qualified mold factory will always listen your suggestion or ask your suggestion or feedback to improve their service to support you.

Exchange information faster as time goes on for injection mold company

Exchange information including the exchange the ideals for your product, mold design and data and files as well as injection mold company inner management. These things will go faster and have to be like this. This is the time control on communication and quality.

For example, the ERP system is to reduce the repeat work, short the communication time, streamline and standardize working flow and make the date more useful etc. This is also to short the time.

Long term cooperation, companies have the choice to work together have long term cooperation.  The two company will understand each other for the product development, communication solution, mold design, mold manufacturing, qualify, lead time and shipping etc.  The time to understand each other save the time to communicate in future. The two company will be like one company. Deep cooperation and resource integration will make you and your company powerful.

Qualified mold supplier or just low cost mold supplier,Choice lead to succeed

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